Show Title: Moses
Venue: Sight & Sound Theatres
Britni's Blog Score: 10 miracles out of 10
Britni's Blog Rating: Recommended for everyone
I've just been back to Sight & Sound Theatres to see one of their latest shows, Moses. Sight & Sound, whose mission statement, to paraphrase, is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ through dramatization of the Scriptures, was rated the second most popular attraction in Strasburg by, with 97% possitive feedback.
I knew that I wouldn't be disappointed, because I have previous experience with this theater, and I've walked away impressed each time.
This event began for me with the lovely preshow that was put on for us in the lobby. The presentation was made up of four old-fashioned carolers singing a medley of Christmas tunes accompanied by Christmas music. And the finale included indoor snowfall. I mean, an actual indoor snowfall. Not just little pieces of Styrofoam or paper, but real snow.
The Plot. As the title suggests, this story was based off of the life of the Biblical figure of Moses. And I can say that, though taking some creative license, Sight & Sound offers a Biblical representation of the story.
Based on the story presented in the Biblical book of Exodus, the production follows Moses as he's born a Hebrew slave, adopted by an Egyptian princess, and called on by God to free his people.
The Characters. The characters in the production were given strong representation and were really fleshed out. When we read about them in the Bible, the focus is mainly on the great things that God does through them. Though this is definitely shown in Moses, the Sight & Sound writers have built off of the basic templates to create characters who seem more human than words on the page of an ancient text.
In this show, Moses is much more than the bearded man who talks to God on a mountain and tells the people what to do. Here he's depicted as a stuttering, fearful, and anger-ridden orphan who wants to resist God's purpose on his life. We see Moses and all of his insecurities and flaws, something that many retellings leave out or gloss over. And it makes his character more relatable and therefore easier to learn from.
The Players. The cast of the show was definitely talented. From acting to dancing to singing, everyone in this show was top-tier.
The Message. There are Biblical lessons to be learned from this production, including the importance of listening to God and the fact that how we each react to Him is dependent on the conditions of our hearts. But the entire plot is drawn up to point viewers to an even greater Leader than Moses and to showcase the sacrifice that He made for us.
My Recommendation. I recommend this show, and this theater, to everyone reading this blog. Not only is it a great outing for families, but its shows are a fantastic experience for anyone, regardless of age or religion. Even if you roll your eyes at the thought of a Christian show, the music and the effects are enough to wow the toughest critics.
My Notes. I thought that the show was entertaining, educational, and edifying. Moses is based on the Biblical book of Exodus and, as a woman who was raised Christian, I've read the story many times over. But I've never had it told quite like this. There wasn't a dull moment during this play. The plot moved quickly and was full of jokes, action scenes, and musical numbers to entertain the oldest and youngest members of the audience.
This theater is specially designed to pull you into the world of the story being told. The only effects that left me slightly disappointed were those used to create the burning bush. All considered, they probably did the best with what they had, but I wonder if they couldn't have made it look more like a bush on fire and less like a lit Christmas tree. Everything else blew me away. Everything from the brilliantly designed sets (so large, I've read, that they need to be moved by technology similar to that in GPS devices) on the wrap-around stage to the stars than twinkle overhead to the surround sound effects during the parting of the Red Sea was beautiful. They even used live animals throughout the entire thing!
In Conclusion. You should go see Moses. Or anything else that's playing at Sight & Sound. I've never been disappointed by one of their shows, and I have faith that the pattern of telling powerful stories in an enchanting way will continue.
During Moses, I was engaged, delighted, impressed, and taught. Sight & Sounds truly offers the perfect family experience.
I'm also looking forward to potentially seeing Joseph, which I've already seen once before. Though every show is fantastic, Joseph has remained my personal favorite since I saw it in the Lancaster County theater. It's been visiting with the sister theater in Branson, MO and will be returning to Pennsylvania in 2015.
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