Well, it's less than a half our until midnight. Twenty-five minutes until the opening bell goes off and I begin a new novel.
I anticipate that in this month there will be plot twists and stubborn characters and real-life obligations that detract from my writing time. One thing that I didn't anticipate was that my laptop would break down two days before NaNoWriMo...
Yep, my laptop just decided that it doesn't want to turn on anymore. And that's what I get for buying the cheapest laptop that I could find. But what else could I have done with my limited funds? Anyway, I'm working right now on a Windows XP that's been sitting in my bedroom for probably the past six years. Even though it took me and hour to untangle and plug in all of the cords, and another twenty minutes to get the dinosaur up and running, it seems to be working well enough for now.
So there!! Twenty to midnight on Nano Eve and I've already overcome one obstacle!
Here's to all of us conquering many more as the month goes on.
--Britni M
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