Well, it's been a long, tiring day for me. Not so much physically, but I'm mentally wiped out.
As far as my work in progress goes, I haven't added too much to my wordcount yet, but I have been working on a scene that I'm really loving. I'm considering using it as my excerpt for tomorrow if I'm done with it. If not, I've got a piece equally good and much, much shorter. The scene I've been working on today is almost 6900 words. And I'm still not done. I know. It's a lot. That's not even the whole thing, though, because I'm breaking the scene in half to tell it from two POVs. If I've got this many words from the first half, I can only imagine what will happen in the second.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm still a bit worried about solving some plot mysteries like how will my book end and how do some of these scenes go together.
It's almost been three weeks now, so I feel like I should have more of this figured out, but I still have nine days to sort out the loose ends. I'm hoping that will be enough so I can stick to my plan, which involves all of my revisions and spans December and January.
At this point, I have to be realistic about my wordgoal. I've got a current total of 73, 486. So it's highly unlikely that I'll reach 150k. I just don't think it's possible for me at this point. But I'm still happy with myself. I hit 50k way, way sooner than I've ever done. And I've already beat my highest NaNoWriMo wordcount by almost twenty thousand.
Even if you're not where you want to be right now, and even if you don't make it to your goal at the end of the month, don't sweat it. You've put in a lot of work this month and I want every Wrimo to be proud of him- or herself on December first no matter what your wordcounter says.
You may not have gotten to fifty thousand, you may have made it there but not to your personal goal, or you may be behind what you've written in past years. I'm no expert, so my advice is just the opinion of a young aspiring writer, but I say that each project is an individual work of art and will therefore follow different rules. That's been my experience, anyway. Sometimes trying to add words to a story that's already complete will cause things to crumble. Other times your project will hit 50k and not be nearly done yet. A friend of mine has been working on the same novel for a while now. I've lost track of her wordcount, but it must be at least 150k by now. At least.
My point? Celebrate your masterpiece this month. And celebrate in yourself, Artist. Whatever you may have written, whatever genre, however long, it's what you wrote. You created something beautiful this month--or a lump of coal that has the potential to become a diamond. And you should be proud.
--Britni M
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