Even though I haven't moved much on my wordcount, I think that I've gotten some quality work done on my novel today. I spent about two and a half hours sprinting, which definitely helped me boost my words. I've also been working on some important scenes, one of which I might be sharing soon if I think it's worthy. I might not think it's ready to share yet, but we'll see.
I've also started decorating for Christmas today. Yes, I know, it's very early. I've been told that most people wait until after Thanksgiving/the end of November to start decorating, but my family does it progressively earlier, it seems, each year. Generally we'll do it a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. If you celebrate Christmas, when do you normally start preparing? Do you do all of your decorating and gift buying in November? I haven't purchased anything yet and that makes me feel behind. So it goes without saying that I like to plan ahead.
Overall, I think this was a pretty productive day for me. I've made some real progress where my writing is concerned and I'm looking at a lot of material that still needs writing. I just hope I can fit all of the pieces together into a coherent novel before the end of the month. How's everyone else's novels coming? Are you where you planned or expected to be by now?
For me, week two of Nano seemed to just pass me by. It's all kind of a blur, so I'm glad that I've been blogging it. After all of the November craziness dies down I can come back and read some of my thoughts. By the way, I don't proofread these posts at all. The main reason for me keeping track of Nano instead of just blogging about something else during November is that I want to be able to write stream of consciousness posts to document my day-by-day NaNoWriMo experience. So if there are horrendous typos, I won't catch them until probably December and maybe even later.
But Week Two has been a good blur for me. I've had a lot of fun doing word sprints, I've passed 50k, and I've gotten a better sense of who my characters are, even though I have some major plot points that still need working out.
The Wrimo community has been a big part of my life since the beginning of the month. Thanks to all of the Wrimos who've taken the time to read this blog or tweet with me. Even when I'm not writing, it's really great to just chat with you all. I'm looking forward to continuing the interaction through the rest of the month and carrying it into the months after.
--Britni M
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