Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nano 2014: Day 30

For anyone who's read last night's blog, you know that I experienced a bit of a twist that left me confused. Because I'd been trying to up my wordcount during NaNoWriMo, I'd been focusing on that for most of this month. And when I'd finally started to research some major elements of my story, I discovered that my entire premise was...not quite realistic enough. So the rug was pulled right out from underneath me and my story now has no backbone.

I've still decided to stick to my projected schedule, though. I'll just be switching this year's WIP out for the draft that I completed last November. It's been sitting on a shelve partially revised, but now I'll take it down, dust it off, and keep going. As soon as I've collected a few volunteer Beta readers (I'm definitely willing to do novel swaps) I'll just plow ahead with the rest of my revisions process. Well, not quite. First I'm going to take some time off because this month has been crazy. Maybe a week or two... Who am I kidding? I have so much writing and writing-related projects to do that I'll probably still be going for a while.

For now the novel draft I've just written will sit on a folder in my computer. I'll probably come back to it one day with some idea of how to rearrange the plot so that it works. In the meantime, there are some great little details that I can mine from this story and put into current and future works.

So, Wrimos, how did your November go? Reach your goal? Learn something new about your characters, the writing process, or even yourself? Has Nano fried your brain? It's fried mine. Commenting on a Google+ post, I wrote "photogenic" instead of "photographic" and didn't even notice that I'd done it until a stranger pointed it out. I'm sure there's a myriad of similar errors in the mass of words I produced this month.

In some parts of the world, Nano has already ended (Happy December guys and remember to give yourselves a well-deserved rest.) but where I live in NYC it's about 9:30 pm. Along the West coast of the United States it's--if I'm correct--only about 6:30. You Californians better be writing and not breaking for dinner! Just kidding. You can have a quick dinner break.

Whatever your wordcount when you cross(ed) the finish line, you're a winner for participating and for seeing it through.

--Britni M

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