Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nano 2014: Day 18

Well, I didn't see a single meteor last night/this morning. Stupid light pollution. Equally disappointing was my low wordcount for today.

I was caught up in some unexpected chores, unfortunately. And instead of using the little bit of spare time that I had to write, I decided to watch tv. Well, Agents of SHIELD, that couldn't be helped. There was no way I was going to miss that tonight. But I spent some of my afternoon hours on sitcoms. Facepalm. I enjoyed what I was watching, but the time could have been put to better use.

I guess we all have those days where we put off what we really should be doing. At this rate, it does't look like I'll be hitting my goal. I know that I can do it, or at least that I can get close, but I have to be more diligent.

Anyone else have this problem? I'm very dedicated to this project, but I also feel like I need to give myself time off from it in order for this to work. Yes, it's a month of literary abandon, but within the month I need time to rest, too. I've arranged for myself to have several writing sessions on most days of November. But I feel like the part of the struggle is knowing where to draw the line.

I mean, I had a lot of work to do. My brain tells me that I logically should have done even more writing to make up for the time that I lost. And yet I just watched television because I felt tired. I just felt like taking a break. Sometimes, though, I can't tell if I'm taking a well-earned break or just being lazy and making excuses to not work on my novel.

Maybe I'll get a few more words in before bed, but it won't add much to my wordcount. I have to be up early tomorrow and I'll be turning in soon.

Let me know how your Nano experience has been. Do you have trouble with taking too many breaks or overworking yourself? Tell me about it.

--Britni M

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