Monday, November 3, 2014

Nano 2014: Day 3

Yesterday I felt a bit frustrated because things weren't going according to plan. I lost writing time and I drew more blanks than I really thought I could, considering that it was only the second day.

Energy and creativity levels seem to have been boosted after yesterday's mini dry spell. Even though I didn't get very much sleep last night, I woke up with enough mental juices going to pound out 1400 words in my morning session. That may not sound like much, but I was on the ball and learning some new things about my characters, so the shorter wordcount still means a lot of progress.

It got a little harder later on. I tried to get back to my writing in the afternoon, but I didn't have as much time as I thought. I sat back at my computer (still the XP, though it hasn't failed me yet) at around six. I didn't get too much solid time in, but I carved out 15 and 20 minute chunks of time.

I'm really pleased with my current progress, and I'm hoping that I can keep up the pace. The plan is to fight my way into the buffer zone, just in case my rate starts going down hill. I don't want that to happen, but it's nearly inevitable and I want to be prepared.

Though I'm super tired right now, I've got the sleepy buzz of mental energy going on and I want to capitalize on that before I let myself get any rest.

Wishing the best to all other Wrimos!

--Britni M

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